Beijing – Eat

As the capital of six dynasties, Beijing is a place where you can find cuisine fit for royalty as well as down-to-earth local delicacies. The highlight of Beijing cuisine is Peking Roast Duck, reputed globally for its fresh and tender meat that is fat yet not greasy. The Peking Roast Duck of “Quanjude”, a national time-honored brand, is much appreciated by foreign heads of state as well as visitors from home. Details of Quanjude’s branches in Beijing is accessible at the following website (Chinese).

When talking about the best of Beijing snacks, the most outstanding ones have to be douzhi (a fermented bean drink), bingtanghulu (sugar-coated hawthorn), baodu (quick-dried tripe), luzhu (pork stew with bread), and chaogan (boiled pig’s liver). The secret of living like a Beijing local lies in finding the century-old restaurants. Nonetheless, if you have an appetite for international flavor, Beijing offers a wide variety of western restaurateurs and creative cuisine. You can find any cuisine you desire within this city.

For more details, please refer to the following website.